Monday, January 12, 2009

No Matter

No matter how much potential there is in this moment...
No matter how much beauty there is around me...
No matter how alive the conversation is, buzzing around my head...
No matter how much I want to feel inspired...

When I feel deeply tired, I can not connect or feel any of these things.

No matter how many times I go through this...
No matter how many times I have returned to vibrating with the world...
No matter how many affirmations I repeat...
No matter how sure I am that this will be okay...

I still feel scared about my health and alone because I can not feel my purpose.

No matter if I am being irrational...
No matter if I am repeating myself...
No matter if I have forgotten my worth once again...
No matter if I will be okay tomorrow...

You continue to support, comfort and lift me up. Thank you.
Most days, I love my life. On days like today when I can not feel that love, you hold it for me until I have the energy to vibrate again.

It took a village to save my life and now, some days, it can take a village to remind me of what I am here to do.

To those who lift me up when I am low, thank you.
To those who let me soar when it's time to fly, thank you.
For those who love me no matter what, thank you.

No matter how my life ebbs and flows, I am grateful for you.


Anonymous said...


Meghann "Former Queen of the O2 People" said...

Did something happen? I hope not!

I'm sorry you were having a bad day. But just know that you are loved very much! You've been such an inspiration to myself and others who are dealing with lung disease and/or transplantation.

And just because you've come so far and inspire so many, never feel like you don't deserve to feel sad/worried sometimes too. We won't hold it against you. It just makes us love you even more.:)

I hope you're feeling better :)

Love, Meghann

Tiffany said...

I'm fine Meghann! I get tired and low just like everyone else. But I'm fine!
Thanks for the love and the support! You're so sweet!

Midlife Midwife said...

Yes, we do love matter what!

Carla said...

Thank you. I feel like this a lot.

It takes so many people to help me - and sometimes it still doesn't work. Sometimes I just don't know what to do.

Thank you. I'm so glad I'm not alone.

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